The application window for 2024 has now closed.

Funded by UK Government logo

Voluntary-sector community organisations can apply for grants for projects that improve their community buildings and help secure or increase their use by the local community.

A maximum grant of £10,000 is available towards internal and external improvements to community buildings such as improving accessibility, security improvements, kitchen refurbishments, and energy efficiency measures.

No group is awarded 100% funding for their proposed scheme. Groups are required to fund at least 15% of the overall project costs from other sources.

What is a Community Building?

Eligible community buildings include community halls, community centres and other facilities which are used by, and accessible to the whole community, and not just used by a single or restricted number of groups.

Eligible community buildings do not include ‘member-only clubs’, voluntary organisations offices or commercial businesses.

Who can Apply?

The Community Building Grants programme targets local community and voluntary groups. Eligible groups must be constituted or have a statement of aims for their organisation and have a bank account.

Applications received for buildings which are located within deprived areas (identified through the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 as in the 20% most deprived in Wales) will be scored as a higher priority compared to other applications.

Organisations which have received funding from Cardiff Council within the last two years can apply for a Community Building Grant but will be scored as a lower priority compared to other organisations.

What types of projects are funded?

Projects must fall under the following categories to be eligible for funding:

  • Enhancement or improvement of the structure of the building
  • Upgrading of fire safety provisions, health and safety/ security provisions
  • New kitchens or toilet facilities
  • Improving accessibility into and within the building
  • Upgrading of Electrical, Drainage and Lighting systems
  • Installation of double glazed windows and doors
  • Installation of energy efficiency measures

What types of projects are not funded?

Projects not eligible for funding include the following:

  • Routine maintenance and repair work
  • Staffing or running costs
  • Projects benefiting a limited membership such as sports clubs used only by one team, or places of worship used solely for religious purposes
  • Projects already started or work completed before grant offer received
  • Feasibility studies
  • Purchase of non-fitted equipment


Deadline for return of application form: 28th June 2024

Deadline for project completion: 21 February 2025

If you have any queries, require further information, or have any special requirements please contact us at

This guidance is designed to help you fill out application form for the 2024/25 Community Building Grants Programme. This form is important as it will help to determine which schemes are successful in receiving a grant. If you need any more information, please email us at

When filling in the form, please respond to the questions accurately and in full, but please do not exceed the spaces provided in the form.

We also require the latest set of accounts for your organisation and three quotes from contractors for the proposed work to be undertaken. (If your proposed scheme will cost less that £5000, you only need to provide two contactor quotes.)  This will enable us to determine if the proposed project is deliverable.

Please note that within the application form, information on both the building project and the organisation is required. You must complete all questions.

Deadline for return of application form: 28th June 2024

Deadline for project completion: 21 February 2025

A) Name of Organisation

This refers to the organisation that owns, or leases the community building.

B) Contact details of Organisation and Individual

This refers to the contact details of the organisation and NOT the community building in question. In addition for correspondence purposes, contact details for the individual completing the form are required. Unless indicated otherwise, it is the individual contact details that we will use for correspondence.

C) Location and address of Community Building

This refers to the location, address and any other contact information you have for the building in question. If the address is the same as that of the organisation, please indicate. In addition, although applications are encouraged from all parts of the city, greater priority will be given to projects located within areas identified through the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 as in the 20% most deprived in Wales, or serving significant numbers of people from these areas.

D) When was your organisation formed? Please provide a date to the best of accuracy.

What is the status of your organisation? Is it a Registered Charity, Registered Friendly Society, Limited Company, Unregistered Voluntary Organisation, or Other? Please state.

Are you VAT registered? Please answer Yes or No.

Are you a local branch of a national organisation? Please answer Yes or No.

Do you own the building or have a lease of at least five years remaining? Please indicate, and if leased, state the number of years remaining.

E) What are your organisation’s aims and the main activities that you provide?

Please state what your organisation seeks to provide to users of your services. Please include a summary of the activities that the organisation provides, whom for and what the overall aims of the organisation are. Please note, this refers to the organisation, and NOT the different activities held in the community building.

F) Project Information

Please describe the project for which you are seeking funding. Please include details of the physical works to be undertaken. This is where you should describe the nature of the project for which you are seeking funding. Please provide as much information as possible within the space provided. The project must fit one of the following criteria.

  • Enhancement or improvement of the structure of the building
  • Upgrading of fire safety provisions, health and safety/security provisions
  • New kitchen or toilet facilities
  • Improving accessibility into and within the building.
  • Upgrading of electrical, drainage and lighting systems
  • Installation of double glazing windows and doors
  • Installation of energy efficiency measures

G) What are the aims of the project?

How will your project improve your building and encourage wider use by the local community?

This is your opportunity to state the aims of the proposed project for which you are seeking funding. Try to state what benefits it will bring to the building, why it is needed, and what difference the project will make to local people/groups using the building.

Please think specifically about the proposed project’s impact on the local community. Will it help attract new groups to use the building? Will it help to ensure that existing users can continue at the building?

H) Which activities and programmes are currently held regularly in the community building which benefit the local community?

This is where you should show how often the building is currently used. Please complete the timetable to show which activities take place in a standard week.

Which activities and programmes take place less regularly in the community building?

Please list events or activities that take place less regularly in the building, such as annual or monthly or other less frequent uses by community groups.

Are there groups that would like to use the building that currently cannot, and would benefit from the proposed improvements?

Please consider any community groups, activities or events that currently do not occur, but may be more likely if you were successful in receiving a grant.

I) Will your organisation be able to fund at least 15% of the estimated project cost.

Regardless of the final cost of the proposed project, the maximum grant that can be awarded is £10,000. In addition, Cardiff Council cannot fund 100% of the project costs. Will the organisation be able to meet at least 15% of the final invoice? Please answer Yes or No. Please ensure that a copy of the most recent set of accounts, constitutional document and three quotes for the proposed works (two quotes for schemes costing under £5,000) are included in the application.

J) Your Organisation’s Finances:

Please detail the name, account numbers and sort code of your organisation’s bank account.  Please detail total expenditure and income for the last 2 years.

K) Funding for the Project:

Please specify the costs for the project, based on the best price of the two / three provided quotes. Please include a breakdown of the main elements of the scheme. It is important for you to provide a complete breakdown of the cost of the project for which you are applying for funding and that you provide accurate details on your proposed expenditure. Have you received funding from other organisations or individuals and has this funding been confirmed? It is important for us to know if you receive funding from elsewhere for the activities, as it may help to demonstrate added value and stability. Sources of funding may include fundraising, bank loans, gifts in kind and free reserves as well as grants from other organisations. Please include Building Control or Planning fees if applicable.

L) Building Control Comments:

Internal and external alterations to buildings often need building regulations approval.  Alterations may also need planning permission or listed building consent.  Please detail any discussions you’ve had with Building Control or Planning officers regarding your proposals.

M) Programme

Please detail the timescales for completing your scheme, to demonstrate that it can be completed by 21st February 2025.

N) Quotes

You need to provide three itemised quotations for the proposed works, or two quotes for schemes that will cost less than £5,000. If you plan not to use the company with the least expensive quotation, please explain why.

O) Consultation and Referees

In determining your grant application it may be necessary to consult with others in the Council (Councillors and Officers) and externally with other organisations.

If a Councillor or officer is involved in the work of your organisation you must inform us in what capacity. We need this information to avoid any potential conflict of interest in the assessment and decision-making process.

You must also provide us with details of a referee independent of your organisation that we can also consult with.  We may contact the referee if we need to know more about your work and project. They must be independent of your organisation and should not be anyone who has been involved in preparing this application. They might be:

  • A representative of an organisation which funds your work;
  • A representative of an organisation which you have worked with in the past; or
  • Someone with whom your organisation has a professional relationship.

Although we ask about your referee’s occupation and organisation, it does not matter if they are unemployed or retired. This will not affect your application.

P) Declaration

This declaration must be signed by the chair, secretary or treasurer of your organisation who is different from the contact person named in section B. In signing the application, the trustee is:

  • Stating that the information in the application is true and correct; and
  • Recognising that any grant awarded will be subject to terms and conditions.

Q) Other Information

Please supply this information with the completed form

Purpose –

The Community Building Grants Programme exists to support local voluntary sector community organisations in providing and improving community buildings for the benefit of residents.

Aims –

The Community Building Grants Programme aims to:

  • Encourage and support improvements to local community buildings.
  • Encourage wider use of community buildings by local people and groups.


Funding can be sought for general works to improve community buildings and facilities, internally or externally. Please see eligibility criteria below.

Applications relating to routine maintenance, general repair work, painting and decorating, feasibility studies, non fitted equipment and staffing or running costs are not eligible.

A maximum grant of £10,000 is available for refurbishment works. The Council will not award 100% funding towards a project. Groups are required to contribute at least 15% match funding for part of the project costs from other sources. The budget for the 2024/25 programme is £70,000. It is anticipated that approximately 10 projects will receive assistance.

Groups must be able to demonstrate a need for grant aid to allow the project to proceed – projects already commenced or work completed prior to a grant offer are not eligible.

Project Eligibility Criteria

The 2024/2025 Programme will be focused on the internal and external physical structure of the building. Projects must fall under these categories to be eligible for funding

  • Enhancement or improvement of the structure of the building
  • Upgrading of fire safety provisions, health & safety / security provisions
  • New kitchen or toilet facilities
  • Improving accessibility into and within the building.
  • Upgrading electrical, drainage & lighting systems
  • Installation of double glazed Windows
  • Installation of energy efficiency measures

Although applications are encouraged from all parts of the city, greater priority is given to those projects located within areas identified through the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 as in the 20% most deprived in Wales.

Organisations which have received funding from Cardiff Council within the last two years can apply for a Community Building Grant but will be scored as a lower priority compared to other organisations.

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

Applicants will be expected to demonstrate that they meet the following general criteria:

  • be a voluntary organisation;
  • have a recognised legal and constitutional status;
  • be independent of the statutory and private sectors;
  • be legally able to undertake activities in Cardiff;
  • have aims and objectives in keeping with the activities funded under the grant scheme and objectives of the Council;
  • have a clear management structure;
  • have a bank account;
  • have clear financial controls (Charity Commission leaflet CC8 Internal Financial Controls for Charities will give details).
  • either own or have a lease with a minimum unexpired term of 5 years on the building.
  • be a not for profit organisation, however the group may have paid members of staff.

Assessment Criteria

In addition to the general eligibility criteria, applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

The project must provide a direct benefit to a local community by improving a local community building by supporting / encouraging its wider use. Community buildings include community halls, religious halls (not solely used for religious purposes), sports clubhouses and Scout and Guide halls which are used by / are accessible to the wider community, and not used solely by one user group.

Ineligible community buildings include ‘members-only clubs’ and voluntary organisations’ offices. Groups which operate a city-wide service are not eligible unless significant local use can be demonstrated.  Sport changing rooms are not eligible.

The project will be assessed against the number of groups which use the building and the frequency of its use and whether the project will promote more community use.

No group will be awarded 100% funding for their proposed scheme. Groups will be required to fund a minimum of 15% of the overall project costs from other sources.

As stated under ‘Applicant Eligibility Criteria’, while applications are welcome from all parts of Cardiff, extra weighting will be given to projects located within deprived communities.

Background Information

Statutory Authority under which the scheme operates Section 2(1) of the Local Government Act 2000.

Policy Background

Stronger Fairer Greener 2022

The Community Buildings Grants Programme contributes to several aims of the Stronger Fairer Greener strategy by creating safe, confident and empowered communities, providing support for those suffering the effects of poverty and responding to the climate emergency by reducing energy usage and providing local, accessible facilities near where people live.

Cardiff Council Corporate Plan 2024-27 – Delivering a Stronger, Fairer, Greener Cardiff

The Community Building Grants Programme contributes to key objectives of the Corporate Plan by contributing towards safe, confident and empowered communities. It supports Cardiff in its objectives of being a great place to grow up and a great place to grow older, and provides the infrastructure to support people out of poverty.

Contact Details

The scheme is managed by the Regeneration Group in Housing and Communities. If you have any queries, require further information, or have any special requirements please contact us at

Community Building Grants Customer Charter

Pre Application Discussions

Groups are welcome to contact the Regeneration Group to discuss their potential project, prior to submitting an application form. Officers will be able to offer advice about the eligibility of the project proposal.

Application and Project Deadlines

The deadline for submitting application forms under the 2024/2025 programme is 28th June 2024 and the Project completion date is 21st February 2025.

All questions on application forms should be answered and all supplementary information attached, when the application is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Assessment and Decision Making Process

Assessment of projects will take approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

A case officer will be assigned to each application. An assessment form is completed and a written

recommendation is made for each application. Local Councillors are consulted on each application received within their ward, and the final decision on funding allocation will be determined under the Executive Scheme of Delegations.

Applicants and Local Councillors are notified of decisions in writing. All grant offers are conditional and applicants are required to confirm acceptance or decline of grant offers in writing.

All projects must be completed by 21st February 2025

Project Delivery

Applicants are given a time limit within which to complete the grant-aided works. Grants are paid after works have been undertaken. To claim a grant:

An officer must visit the project to check works have been completed satisfactorily. This is not a technical certification of the works. Applicants are advised to use a professional consultant to prepare a scheme, to appoint a contractor to undertake the works and to get the works certified. Professional fees are eligible for funding under the Community Buildings Grants Programme.

The applicant must provide a letter stating that the works have been completed to their satisfaction and enclose a copy of a VAT registered fully itemised invoice for the works.

After the above is checked and received, the case officer will process the grant payment.


The Council strives to continually improve its services. To help improve the programme for future years, all successful applicants are asked to complete a feedback form.


The Council seeks to promote its Community Building Grants Programme. Applicants who receive grant aid may be asked whether they will participate in publicity of their projects.


If applicants are unhappy with any aspect of the service received, the case officer should be contacted immediately.

Standard Terms and Conditions of Grant of Cardiff Council

The approval and payment by the Council of Grant or financial support to a voluntary organisation will be subject to the following terms and conditions together with variations or such other special conditions as the Council may specify in writing at the time of approval.


Within the Standard Terms and Conditions the following words shall have the following meanings:

Grant                    the sum or sums stated in the offer letter.

Grantee               the organisation or body named in the offer letter.

Council                 Cardiff Council

Project                 a programme of actions, research, development, or other activities set out in the application or specification

General Terms

  1. The Grantee shall accept all these terms and conditions in writing before any Grant shall be paid and in default or delay of acceptance by the Grantee of any Grant or any part of the Grant these terms shall be deemed accepted.
  2. Any Council Grant awarded shall be used only for the purposes approved in the Council letter making the offer of Grant. Where no purposes are specified in that letter the approved purposes shall be those specified by the Grantee in the application form and/or Grant specification and any agreed supplement attached. Those approved purposes may however be modified by agreement in writing between the Council and the Grantee. The default position shall always be those purposes specified in the application form, Grant specification and any agreed supplement. In those cases where the Council deems a grant agreement is desirable the release of Grant may be conditional upon the Grantee signing an agreement.
  3. Any Grant is made in reliance of the information given in the expression of interest, application form and/or Grant specification and any supplementary information given by the Grantee and any misrepresentation, including concealment or withholding of relevant information by the Grantee shall constitute at the Council’s discretion a failure to comply with these terms and conditions.
  4. The expression of interest form, application form, Grant specification and any agreed supplemental information together with any offer letter, acceptance form and Grant agreement (if required) shall form the entire basis for the Grant and no oral representations made by the Grantee or Council shall be deemed incorporated as a term or condition of the offer or acceptance of the Grant or any part of it.
  5. The award of a Grant in one financial year (1 April to 31 March) shall not be deemed to imply any guarantee that a Grant will be awarded for the following year unless the terms of the formal offer so specify. The Council shall not be liable for any commitments made by the Grantee in anticipation of a Grant not subsequently awarded.
  6. The Council may commit to award a Grant of up to three years duration. Such a Grant will be subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 above, and continuation of the grant in years two and three shall be at the Council’s discretion and subject to performance monitoring, financial monitoring and budget availability.
  7. Where a Grant is payable by instalments, payment of any instalment or instalments or part thereof may be withheld if the Grantee fails to satisfy the Council that it has been applied or will be applied in future solely for the approved purposes or if the Council consider that any of the other terms or conditions of the Grant are not being fulfilled or in the circumstances specified in paragraph 40 below.
  8. No part of the Grant shall be used for party political purposes, and no aspect of the Grant aided activities shall be party political in intention, use or presentation.
  9. If prior to any Grant approval being issued, there is any change to any information provided to the Council during the application process, the Grantee shall notify the Council immediately.
  10. Grant approval will not normally be given retrospectively for projects already underway, work completed or equipment purchased prior to the date of application. Only in extraordinary circumstances will such an application be considered. The Grantee shall repay any Grant applied retrospectively without the Council’s knowledge or consent.
  11. As a matter of good practice the Grantee shall use its best endeavours to obtain financial support from a variety of sources and shall endeavour not to rely solely on the Council for funding.
  12. In its publicity material, the Grantee shall acknowledge the financial contribution made to its activities by the Council except that the Grantee shall not use the Council’s copyright logo on any publicity material or documents unless specific prior consent to its use in each setting has been obtained from the Council.
  13. In the spirit of co-operation and partnership working the Grantee agrees, in the first instance, to afford the Council an opportunity to respond to any criticism or concerns it has. The Council will also adhere to this principle and discuss any concerns it has with the grantee in the first instance.
  14. In exceptional circumstances where concerns of a financial nature arise, the Grantee shall give the Council access to all books, accounts and vouchers, including Bank statements, return cheques and cheque stubs within 10 working days of any request or as soon as possible after the request. By accepting the Grant or any part of it the Grantee gives authority to the Council to approach the Grantee’s Bank or Accountant and gives that Bank or Accountant unconditional consent to provide to the Council any information regarding any transactions made by the Grantee in relation to the Grant funds. The Grantee consents to the Council providing a copy of the application form, Grant specification, offer letter, acceptance form and these terms and conditions to that Bank or Accountant to confirm the position.


  1. The Grantee shall bear its own liability for any taxation or duty chargeable in the United Kingdom in respect of its participation in the Agreement and undertakes to indemnify the Council in respect of any such taxation assessed on and paid by the Council for which the Grantee is primarily liable.
  2. Value Added Tax (V.A.T.) will only be Grant aided when the Grantee is not registered for V.A.T. purposes or where it can prove that it cannot recover all or part of the V.A.T from H.M. Customs and Excise.

Proper Conduct

  1. The Grantee shall comply with the terms of any lease, tenancy agreement or licence and with its statutory and legal obligations (e.g. planning permissions, data protection, equal opportunity, race, sex and disability discrimination, health and safety and licensing laws and regulations) which may affect its activities and in all respects shall not deliberately or negligently commit acts or omissions that result in misapplication or waste of Grant funding. Where the Grantees activities involve working with children and young persons the Grantee shall ensure that those persons it arranges to contact or work with them have been thoroughly checked as suitable, to include Criminal Records bureau checks as appropriate.

Health and Safety

  1. The Grantee shall be responsible for the health and safety of its own employees and sub-contractors whilst implementing the Project and shall ensure that they receive appropriate instruction in safety procedures and are provided with all safety equipment required by law or which is generally accepted best practice from time to time.
  2. The Grantee shall be responsible for the safety, proper functioning, fitness for purpose and compliance with all legal requirements of all tools and equipment provided by it for the purposes of performing the Project and for the avoidance of doubt this responsibility shall extend to ensuring the safety, proper functioning and fitness for purpose of the tools and equipment in the hands of the employees or sub-contractors of any other party or any other parties, including without limitation, any person who may make proper use of them or may be exposed to them.
  3. The Grantee shall be responsible for the stability, safety and fitness of any premises owned and/or occupied by it and upon which the Project is or may be performed.
  4. In the event of:
    1. a successful claim being brought against the Council howsoever arising whether in respect of negligence, nuisance, breach of statutory duty, or any other tort or in respect of any other legal right or remedy, howsoever arising out of the Agreement, or
    2. a successful prosecution against the Council or its employees in respect of any failure to comply with any legal requirement to be complied with as a result of this Agreement then as between the Council and the Grantee all liabilities, costs, claims, demands, expenses, fines and other penalties (including legal fees and expenses) arising there from or in any way relating thereto shall be borne by the Grantee to the extent of its responsibility therefore, determined in accordance with clause 17 and the provisions of this agreement generally, and the Grantee shall indemnify and keep indemnified and account to the Council accordingly.


  1. The provisions of clauses 17 – 20 shall survive the termination of the grant funded arrangements.


  1. Where the Grant or any part thereof is used by the Grantee to purchase or acquire any interest in any asset (including land and buildings, vehicles, furniture or equipment), and the asset or the interest therein is subsequently disposed of or ceases to be used for the approved purpose for which it was obtained, the Grantee shall if the Council then so demands repay to the Council the full market value of the asset as at the date of disposal or cessation of approved use, or such lesser sum as the Council in its absolute discretion may deem to be a fair proportion of the market value.

Private Profit

  1. Under no circumstances shall the Grantee apply Grant funding directly or indirectly to the profit of any private individual, company or body of persons without the prior knowledge of or consent of the Council.


  1. The Grantee is responsible for insuring against any risks that may arise in connection with any property of the Grantee or any activity undertaken by the Grantee that is Grant-aided in whole or part by the Council. This includes any loss or personal injury to Grant aided staff or volunteers undertaking those activities. The Council reserves the right to require the Grantee to submit for inspection any relevant documents relating to insurance policies. The Council shall not be under any circumstances liable for any contingency involving property or activities for which it has provided Grant in whole or in part. Responsibility for any such contingencies lies entirely with the Grantee who shall arrange cover for all eventualities by satisfactory insurance policies. The Grantee indemnifies the Council against all costs and claims in that regard.


  1. Under no circumstances shall the Grantee by act or omission cause any employee or volunteer of the Grantee to believe that an employment relationship is created or exists between that employee or volunteer and the Council.
  2. The Grantee shall at all times comply with all relevant legislation relating to employment, labour relations and health and safety at work. A Grantee with employees shall maintain Employers’ Liability Insurance.
  3. The Grantee shall not employ as a paid member of its staff any member of its Management Committee. If a member of its Management Committee is appointed to a post within the voluntary organisation, he/she must resign from the Management Committee before commencing such employment. Management Committee members who have a close friend or relative employed by the Grantee must declare the relationship in writing to other members of the Committee. Where appropriate Council Officers may attend Management Committee meetings in an advisory capacity only.

Change of Personnel or Location

  1. Where the expression of interest form, application form and Grant specification indicate that a particular member or team of the ’Grantees personnel will manage or undertake the Grant aided assistance from a particular location the Grantee shall not change that member or team or location without the consent of the Council but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.


  1. The Grantee shall keep up-to-date accounts for inspection by the Council at any time. The accounts should be drawn-up in accordance with recommended best practice. The financial year 1st April – 31st March should be used wherever possible, unless the nature of the Grantee’s activities prevents this.
  2. The Council requires all Grantees in receipt of Grant to provide annual accounts prepared in accordance with the recommended best practice.
  3. All accounts shall clearly identify all Council Grants and any other Grants received during that financial year.
  4. The accounts shall be prepared in such form that the Council can identify the purpose for which Grant has been applied by the Grantee.

Monitoring Progress and Data Processing

  1. The Grantee shall comply with the monitoring arrangements as set out within either the offer letter or Grant Specification for the Grant Scheme to which they are applying.
  2. The Grantee shall, on request, report in writing to the Council on the implementation and progress of the purposes for which the Grant has been awarded. The Grantee shall, without charge, permit any officer or officers of the Council at any reasonable time to visit its premises and/or to inspect any of its activities and/or to examine and take copies of the Grantee’s books of account and such other documents or records as in such officers’ view may relate in any way to the use of Grant by the Grantee. This condition is without prejudice and subject to any other statutory rights and powers exercisable by the Council or any officer, servant or agent thereof.
  3. The Grantee shall provide the Council with such other information as to its activities or proposed activities, and as to its use or proposed use of all or any part of the Council Grant as the Council may from time to time require. The Council shall be entitled to use this and all information supplied to it by the Grantee relating to the Grant as it deems fit.
  4. Part or all of the information provided on the application form will be held on computer and the Grantee consents to the processing of any personal information under the Data Protections Act on the understanding that the data will remain confidential to the Grantee and relevant Council Officers and Members save that where the law permits disclosure of data the Council may do so. This information will be used for the administration of Grant applications and for statistical analysis. Details of all successful Grant applications will be published in an annual report to Council.

Freedom of Information

  1. The Council may disclose information if the law permits or the Council has a duty to do so. Information received is not subject to a duty of confidentiality within the meaning of Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act and requests for disclosure under that Act will be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice under Section 45 of the Freedom of Information Act having due regard for the data protection principles in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 in respect of personal data.

Financial Controls

  1. The Grantee shall ensure that adequate financial controls e.g. Ensuring segregation of duties, the maintenance of proper books and records, bank accounts requiring two signatures and the retention of supporting documentation for audit purposes exist at all times.
  2. If the Grant is not spent for the approved purposes during the financial year to which it relates, the unspent amount may be recovered by the Council during or at the end of that financial year and/or may be taken into account in determining the amount of Grant to be paid in the following financial year.
  3. The Grantee shall not assign any part of the Grant to a third party without the prior written consent of the Council.
  4. The Grantee shall notify the Council as soon as it becomes apparent that an underspending of Grant is likely to arise. The Council may at its discretion approve in writing the use of the unspent amount for other beneficial approved purposes. Such approval is especially likely to be given where the Grantee is to achieve the underspending by improved effectiveness or efficiency in its management of resources, but approval is not likely to be given where the underspending arises from the delayed start of an approved activity.
  5. The Grantee shall not (and shall ensure that all members of its voluntary organisation do not) represent the Grantee in such a way, say or do anything that might lead persons to believe that the Grantee is an agent of the Council or that the Council is responsible for any liability of the Grantee. Nothing in the terms and conditions of Grant shall impose any liability on the Council in respect of any liability incurred by the Grantee to any other person or entity.
  6. The Council and its officers or agents shall not at any time be liable to any person in relation to any matter arising in connection with the development, planning, construction, operation, management and/or administration of the Grant-aided Project and in particular, but without limitation, shall not be liable to the Grantee for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly as a result of the compliance with the terms and conditions of the Grant including any losses or costs arising from a failure to make Grant payments on any agreed date.
  7. If the Grantee is wound up or goes into liquidation (including being subject to an administration order); receivership; bankruptcy; enters into any compromise or other arrangement of its debts with its creditors; or is likely, in the view of the Council, to become unable to pay any of its debts then on the occurrence of any of those events the Council shall be entitled to recover forthwith from the Grantee the Grant paid and no further monies shall be due or payable by the Council to the Grantee or to anyone acting for or on its behalf or in its name. Any references to the amount of Grant paid or to be paid to the Grantee shall be deemed to mean and to be limited to the amount of money actually paid to the Grantee by the Council at the time that any of the events referred to above occurs.

Acceptance and Repayment of Grant

  1. Any offer of Grant is open for acceptance within 30 days of the date thereon unless otherwise stated. No part of the Grant will be paid by the Council until written acceptance is received. If no acceptance has been received within that time the offer shall be deemed withdrawn but may be re-offered at the discretion of the Council.
  2. The Council may, at its discretion, amend cancel or suspend any Grant approval or require the repayment of any Grant already paid, either in whole or in part where:-
    1. there has been a material breach of any of these standard Terms and Conditions and/or any special conditions attached to the Grant.
    2. the Grantee ceases to exist.
    3. the Council has been induced to issue the Grant approval as a result of any incorrect or false information provided by the Grantee.
    4. the Grantee has failed to notify the Council of any material change to information previously provided by it, the Grantee or any of its officers servants or agents has acted dishonestly or negligently to the detriment of the project for which Grant aid has been given.
    5. the Grantee changes or removes its managers or personnel responsible for the Grant aided assistance or changes its location from those disclosed in the application form and Grant specification without the consent of the Council
    6. the Grantee or any of its officer’s servants or agents has acted dishonestly or negligently to the detriment of the project for which Grant aid has been given.
    7. the Grantee compounds or makes arrangements with its creditors goes into liquidation (voluntarily or otherwise) other than for the purpose of a bona fide reconstruction or a receiver or manager is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of its business or if any analogous event occurs.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact us.
