This Pre-Application Consultation is a formal part of the planning application process required in line with Part 1A of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2016 (as amended).  We are required to publish all the documents that will make up our planning application in draft format so that key stakeholders and the local community have the opportunity comment.

There are lots of documents and many are lengthy.  For an overview, you may find the following particularly useful:

Planning Documents

Documents can be viewed from home, or using the computers in any Cardiff Council hub or library.

If you require documentation in other languages or formats please contact

Site Plans

These plans show the location of the bridge and the land that will be needed temporarily during construction.

Other plans and elevations

This series of plans show the architectural design of the bridge.

Design and Access Statement

This shows what the proposed bridge will look like and explains how the design has been developed.  It includes a series of images that show what the bridge will look like from different angles.

Planning Statement

This explains how the proposed footbridge complies with planning policy at both local and national level.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary

This gives a high level overview of the findings of our Environmental Impact Assessment. It is written in non-technical language so provides a good introduction.

Environmental Statement

The Environmental Statement sets out the results of our Environmental Impact Assessment in detail.

This large document is provided in separate sections:

  • Introduction, The Site and Surrounding Area, The Proposed Development, EIA Regulations and Approach to the EIA
  • Air Quality
  • Climate
  • Ecology (Terrestrial) and Arboriculture (including Arboriculture Impact Assessment, as an appendix)
  • Ecology (Aquatic)
  • Ground Conditions and Soils
  • Health
  • Historic Environment
  • Townscape and Visual
  • Transport
  • Water Resources and Flood Risk (including Flood Consequence Assessment as an appendix)
  • Cumulative Effects
  • Appendices – providing additional details relating to the assessments and information on underwater noise and vibration


Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Report

This considers the impact of the proposals on the Severn Estuary, which is a European designated site.  It concludes that there are no adverse long term effects.

Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

This outlines the steps that will be taken to ensure the construction of the bridge is carefully and considerately managed.

Landscape Plan

This shows the proposals for landscaping and planting.

Green Infrastructure Statement

This shows how green infrastructure has been considered in the proposals and explains how the bridge will help to link green spaces in the local area.

Consultation Report

This explains the consultation undertaken to date. It documents the technical discussions held with key stakeholders and the findings of the 2022 public consultation.

Transport Statement