Artist's impression of the proposed Michaelston College Development - View 1

Cardiff Council and Wates Residential are proposing to create a new Well-being Village on the former Michaelston College site, as part of our Cardiff Living housing development programme.

Thank you for attending the three consultation events which occurred during December 2021, July 2022 and February 2023 and for giving feedback on the scheme, all comments were reviewed and have helped shape the proposals.  The deadline for additional feedback has closed, however there will be further opportunities to comment through the formal planning process.

The Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) period closed in July 2023 in which amendments were completed to reflect on the previous consultations.  A formal planning application commenced during the summer of 2024 and a planning decision is expected late 2024/early 2025.  Current forecasts anticipate construction to begin during the autumn of 2025.

Please see the below link to view the planning application.

This new development will be delivered through its Cardiff Living development partnership with Wates Residential. The proposals include delivering 265 new homes built within an environment that promotes health and well-being.

There is a focus on creating new homes for older people, built within a mixed-age community, with a range of homes for outright sale and for rent from the council.

The aim is for the Well-being Village to accommodate a mixture of new community facilities.  The proposal includes space for a health and wellbeing hub offering a café and flexible community space.

There will be high-quality outdoor spaces. This could include:

  • A gateway Plaza into the development – A vibrant public space at the heart of this new scheme.  People can sit, meet friends and have enjoy refreshments and socialise at the café.
  • The Green – A green space at the centre of the scheme protecting the existing mature trees, enhancing the external landscaping, and promoting informal play.
  • Wild Wood – A large, wooded area that will be accessible and designed to promote nature walks
  • Community Garden – A community growing space.
  • Hillside Walk – A route between the St Fagans CW Primary School and the new square, where children can safely walk to school and play on the hillside.

Vehicular access to the houses and community facilities on the Michaelston College site will be from the existing entrance off Michaelston Road. There is the potential to create new walking/cycling connections to help improve access from the surrounding area to the community facilities and we are also looking at what highways improvements we can make to the existing highway network to help alleviate existing parking and traffic issues along Drope Road, Patreane Way and Michaelston Road.

The Council has already held 2 previous community engagement events, and this is the final event before we submit plans for consideration by the Local Planning Authority.

Further opportunities for consultation will form part of the planning process.

If a planning consent is secured than we anticipate commencing the works to redevelop and regenerate the site by the late Spring/early Summer of 2024.

If you are unable to attend the consultation event but want to submit comments to us, please contact us via the link below.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact us.
