Trees at a road end. Road end needs refurbishing.
Funded by UK Government logo

Cardiff Council is proposing to undertake environmental improvements to road end closures located at 4 locations within Riverside as part of the Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme (NRS) Programme.

Following the recent engagement Cardiff Council is pleased to share the final designs for the Road End Closures.

Calibre Construction Ltd have been appointed as principal contractors and will be carrying on the works on behalf of Cardiff Council, commencing 3rd February 2025. The project will take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete.

The general improvements will consist of:

Kingston Road & Littleton Street

  • Footpath resurfacing with decorative paving.
  • Remove tree grates and replace with an expandable surface which protects the trees to enable root growth.
  • Replace existing bollards with new, including ‘shared surface’ bollards.

Wyndham Street & Craddock Street

  • Public realm resurfacing with decorative paving.
  • Install two new trees on Wyndham Street.
  • Replace existing bollards with new and to also include a ‘shared surface’ bollard.
  • Removal of damaged planters and replace with urban street game designs painted on the central paving areas.
  • Craddock Street utility cabinet to receive art work.

During this time, a certain amount of disruption is likely to occur, however, every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact us.
