This project has been completed.

Tudor Street Improvement Scheme

The commercial business area of Tudor Street is identified in the South Riverside Business Corridor Action Plan as a key regeneration priority for the Council. The scheme seeks to enhance Tudor Street as a distinctive and attractive destination through creating a pleasant and welcoming environment for businesses, residents and the wider community.

The Tudor Street scheme is a partnership project with Regeneration and Transport working together to transform the business environment and supporting wider Transport improvements for Cardiff. The scheme is funded by Welsh Government, Transforming Towns Funding and Active Travel Funding and Cardiff Council.

The scheme complements another Tudor Street Project for improvements to commercial premises as well as enhancements to Tudor Lane.

The project started on site in 2021 and it aims to deliver:

  • A new two-way, segregated cycle lane from Wood Street Bridge to the junction with Clare Street
  • A new bus island opposite Plantagenet Street, facilitating bus travel into Central Square and the wider city centre
  • New green infrastructure, specifically trees and the planting of rain gardens, promoting opportunities for biodiversity and improved air quality;
  • A pleasant and welcoming public environment, enhancing the Gateway into South Riverside from the city centre, with prioritised pedestrian movement through wider pavements and improved pedestrian crossings
  • Enhanced access to the Taff Trail through realigning the existing ramp and steps at the junction with Tudor Street and
  • An improved street environment with new paving, street furniture and lighting.
